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About Nancy
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Nancy Barnett, LMBT

Licensed Massage & Bodywork Therapist

License #16486

I am a North Carolina licensed massage and bodywork therapist offering services in Hendersonville, NC.  I am also a certified NeuroMuscular Therapist.  I completed all courses in NeuroMuscular training with Judith DeLaney of the NeuroMuscular Center located in St. Petersburg, FL. NeuroMuscular Therapy (NMT) is popularly known as trigger point therapy. 

I have also completed the following courses in Myofascial Release with John F Barnes: MFR I & II, Mobilization, Unwinding, Fascial-Pelvis, Rebounding, Cervical-Thoracic, Subtle Energy I, MFR Pediatrics and Skill Enhancement Seminar.

I utilize Myofascial Release therapy techniques to assist clients on their journey to wellness.

My bodywork journey began all too commonly with nagging pain and restless leg syndrome that had disturbed my sleep since childhood. Frustrated with the constant ache in my legs and shoulders, I sought relief with massage therapy. I eventually obtained a massage therapy license and studied NueroMuscular Therapy (NMT) based on the seminole work of Travell and Simons, Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction. NMT or Trigger Point therapy is very affective at relieving chronic and acute muscular pain.

Then, I met Dana. She introduced me to Myofascial Release (MFR). I was blown away by the effects the treatments had on my body

I trust in the inherent wisdom embedded in our bodies. I listen and honor the process. I regularly combine NMT/trigger point therapy with Myofascial Release techniques. I continue to regularly receive and study Myofascial Release techniques.

Rates & Getting Started

Initial Session  $140

75 minutes total. Includes an history intake and initial physical assessment prior to hands-on treatment.

Follow-up Treatments

75 Minutes $140

Please wear the following for your treatment: 

This enables me to have skin contact where needed while also allowing for movement and stretches.


Women - tank top or sports bra (one that clasps on the back is great) and shorts (not cycling shorts)


Men - basketball or athletic shorts (not cycling shorts)

I am available for appointments:

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday

Hendersonville office:

212 S Grove St, Suite D

Hendersonville, NC 28792

Look for the large "CHIROPRACTOR" sign above the corner office. My name is on the door. I share a common area with Dr. Roger Freed, Chiropractor.


Nancy Barnett, LMBT


Cell: 828.817.0083
Contact via call or text message for an appointment. Messages will be returned promptly.
Hendersonville NC Map below

Nancy helped me tremendously with restoring range of motion in my left shoulder after I suffered a fall (our large dog dragged me to the ground as she was chasing a rabbit). Months after the fall I had developed symptoms of "false frozen shoulder." Nancy targeted the NMT massage techniques on the muscles around my shoulder, and within two to three sessions I could lift my arm straighter above my head; within four sessions I felt a lot less pain and had my usual range of motion back. I would definitely seek out Nancy's help again with issues like this, or for any kind of restorative/relaxation massage. She is intuitive, gentle, and goes "deep" when she needs to, while being very effective in her work to alleviate the causes of pain and restore range of motion. - BB


I started going to Nancy for neuromuscular therapy due to nagging pain and stiffness in my shoulder and hips. I felt some relief from the very first treatment, which surprised me, because both areas had been chronically sore and very tight for a long time. It took a couple of days to notice that I had significantly less pain, which Nancy  told me would probably be the case. I started going regularly – once every week or two at first – and each time I got up from her table, I had a greater range of motion and feeling of stability. I felt like dancing!


Since my two jobs involve repetitive motions that create the problems I went to her to fix, the discomfort returns after a few weeks. I now find that a treatment once a month is all I need. 


Nancy also made other suggestions involving things such as my posture and switching to a standing desk, and these have been helpful, too.  Nancy is very knowledgeable, sensitive, and passionate about her work, and she has an uncanny ability to know just how much pressure to apply to areas she is working on. I highly recommend her to anyone suffering from either acute or chronic pain due to muscular strain or trauma. - Jan


After slipping on a wet tile floor and hyperextending my entire right side I was unable to apply pressure on my foot or sit without a significant amount of pain.


I had several X-Ray’s, visited a primary physician, a sports medicine physician and an orthopedists.  Each physician had a different diagnosis and treatment. I was prescribed pain and anti-inflammatory pills, I was given crutches, a boot and physical therapy.  After 3 months without any improvement, I went to Nancy Barnett at Carolina Bodywork for consult.


Nancy began treatment the same day as the consult.  She examined muscles on my right side from the tip of my toes to the piriformis. Once she found trigger points she began working with them. While she worked on the area, she identified the muscle and its function, which was great feedback and very interesting.


When I left the first session, I was able to apply gentle pressure to my foot and was actually able to take a long drive without any pain.  Over the next couple of days the pain shifted and my foot became easier to walk on. Through the next sessions with Nancy, she worked with my body and the muscles that were creating the pain.  During each visit, I could tell the therapy was working.  After each visit, my pain lessened.


I received four 75 minute sessions.  I am no longer experiencing any pain in my piriformis/hip or my foot. I am able to get out of bed, walk, hike and sit without any pain.  I attribute this quick healing process to her neuromuscular treatment.


In addition, I have seen Nancy on other occasions for well visits, or preventative maintenance.  She works with the muscles to locate any pressure points that may be developing and cause future issues.  I particularly enjoy the myofascial release. Before I met her, I didn’t know what that meant nor did I know how great it would make me feel.   Highly recommended for issues, as well as, routine visits for preventative. - JMR 

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